Customized Services for Your Unique Needs
Take your hospital to new heights with the guidance of our expert consultants.
Contact us today to discuss how we can help you achieve excellence in hospital and healthcare management.
Customized Services for Your Unique Needs

Market feasibility and business plan
Market and competition analysis along with financial feasibility is an important exercise to be done before establishing a new hospital project or before starting a new service line in the same hospital or embarking on an expansion program. The study report will try to find gaps in existing health care scenario with means of addressing the same and provide a detailed service mix matrix along with healthcare personnel requirement and a financial feasibility report.
In short it highlights:
- What services? Single Vs multi specialty or Secondary vs. Quaternary care
- Where? location dynamics including competitor analysis
- Who? Helps propose a manpower plan for patient care
- How? Helps to identify the case mix and propose a plan to target them
- When? Financial viability projection based on the proposed business model
The comprehensive report helps the stake holders to understand the consumer behavior, competitor landscape, service mix/ facility to be planned, level of technology deployment, Equipments planning, manpower requirement, business modeling, strategies to achieve success, the cost projections for the project and the profitability ratios. This report also helps banks and other PE agencies for understanding the project and funding requirements.

Hospital Planning, Design and development
We are experts in planning entire hospital in most ergonomic and patient friendly manner, based on your business plan and patient work flow. Plus we are well versed designing complex spaces like Operation theater complex, CSSD, Radiology Suite, Integrated lab services etc. We can put efficient use of your valuable resources in the most suitable manner to create a superior healthcare enterprise which is lauded by both doctors and patients alike.
The architectural design is developed in conformity with your requirements keeping in mind efficient functionality of the hospital premises with emphasis is on patient friendliness without splurging of resources yet aesthetically pleasing.
Areas of special interest apart from space planning will be IT infrastructure, fire fighting, intra hospital transmission of materials via chutes, advanced data and personnel security systems and intelligent building management systems.

Medical equipment planning and procurement
This is key to a successful project as it will be a major source of expense in a hospital project. Right equipments have to be procured at right price with long term perspective in mind. This is very important as it has long term bearing in seamless service delivery and hospital profitability. Many high end equipment are complex in nature and buying the best keeping the long term life cycle costing in mind is paramount. We help in identifying the equipment needs, make specifications, create budgetary costing, help in tendering, negotiating and procurement and assist in proper commissioning. We ensure that the hospital acquire the best, save the most and ensure smooth running with zero down time throughout the life cycle of machines.

Healthcare Strategic consulting
One of the challenges every hospital enterprise will face is sustaining the pace of growth, being profitable and managing expansion. It can be creating new hospitals or taking over existing sick hospitals, mergers or acquisitions. New projects targeting new patient population or new markets, expanding in existing markets, entering international markets all are challenging decisions. To navigate this landscape one needs experience and expertise. We have both and can hand hold you to take your organization from present to future.

Upgradation of facility
Hospitals are dynamic organizations which undergo change in time. The hospital must expand to include additional services and adapt itself to the demands of patients and population. Sometimes adding a new service say for example Infertility services is logical way to expand from routine Obstetrics and gynecological practice servicing a new niche group of customers. It also brings new challenges in terms of manpower and infrastructure requirements. We can help analyze the requirements scientifically and hand hold in planning and designing the entire service including design considerations, equipment planning and manpower structure.

Healthcare Quality accreditation
National and International Accreditations and Certifications like the NABH, NABL, JCI etc are considered key differentiators which provide objective evaluation of services rendered and serve as a bench mark for measuring the patient outcome vis a vis competition. Clinical work flows and patient quality indicators help organizations to create a quality frame work based on standard guidelines, implement the process, measure it to analyze the variance and make corrective actions. They also provide parity for an external agency when assessing a healthcare center for associations. Our team of quality professionals can help you in your journey for achieving quality accreditations.

Marketing and branding
Hospitals like any commercial organization needs to be promoted at attract and retain potential patients. The aim of hospital marketing is to build brand awareness and reach a wider segment of populations and to continuously connect with the target audience. There is a need to connect inform the hospital objectives, capabilities and the achievements for building positive relationships with existing patients and the community. We can help arrive at a sensible marketing mix by first conceptualizing and then through usage of various channels including digital media without burning a hole in hospital budget. Both domestic and international markets can be targeted. We aim in creating a positive perception of the hospital among the public.

Hospital operational due diligence studies
Operational Performance audit evaluates the current status of the hospital in terms of existing infrastructure, facility, equipments, systems, productivity, expenses and revenue. Based on the findings, a strategic suggestion is recommended to optimize resource utilization and improve service delivery.
The due diligence aims at providing an analysis of current systems and processes thus identifying areas of bottle neck and inefficiencies to provide an action plan for rectifying these short falls taking into consensus of all stake holders for optimizing the resources and achieving organizational excellence.

Digital Hospital (Integrated HIS/RIS/PACS/Telemedicine)
Today's hospitals are technologically driven and it goes without much exaggeration that IT and IT enables services are shaping patient care delivery in a seamless manner. Hospitals needs to invest on a robust Hospital EMR, lab and pharmacy management software, radiology and image management system with digital vault for image archiving and retrieval on demand and HR and payroll software etc. When there are more than one hospital within a group there can be integrated system unifying many services. Having said that this is a grey area for hospital professionals as the complexity is quite high and solutions are very expensive. The hospital management solution has to be customized for the hospital work flow. Thus it is a key area with tremendous scope for consulting.